Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The Webster’s Dictionary defines Veteran’s Day as: November 11, a legal holiday in the U.S. in commemoration of the end of World War I and in honor of veterans of the Armed Forces, formerly Armistice Day.

But it goes so much deeper than that. Where would we be without our veterans? We as Americans take so much for granted. I would like to take this time to THANK ALL OF OUR VETERANS whoever and wherever you are.

I also would like to honor my Dad. He served as a Private First Class in the Army during WWII in Germany. He was a quiet man, did not talk of the war at all. He was not a hero in the Army, but he was my hero… And I still miss him.

He stood about five feet four
A fairly good size man
But oh, he was so much more
I was his biggest fan!

We always had a roof over our head
And plenty of food to eat
It could go without being said
Family needs he always did meet.

There was always love in his eyes
Even tho it was not always spoken
He seemed so friendly and so wise
That was one of his greatest tokens.

He was as calm as he could be
Unless you crossed his path
Then he would talk till you could see
The road you were on would lead to wrath.

I never remember him raising a hand
Or speakin’ an unkind word
He was actually as gentle as a lamb
And almost as quiet as a bird.

I was always Daddy’s little girl,
the only one he ever had.
Until time passed by in a whirl
I had my little girl, He was so glad.

His heart she did capture
Papa this, and Papa that.
he did listen to her that’s for sure
So much love, imagine that.

I could go on and on and on
And tell you about my Dad!
There are so many memories to think upon
They tend to make me sad.

But Dad is in Heaven now
At times I miss him so much.
But I will make it thru somehow
Till I too feel the Father’s touch.

- Nel Curtis

IN MEMORY: Olan Beavers January 3, 1918 – January 2, 1998

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,” Philippians 1:3


  1. What a beautiful poem! What a wonderful tribute to your Dad's memory!

  2. Thank you Duta. I wrote that about a year after he passed. He was a special man!

  3. A lovely tribute to the first man who held you in his arms. Thanks for sharing such a tender memory with me this day as I take time to reflect and be thankful for all who have served and continue to serve the cause of freedom in the US. We live in an Air Force community, so we are constantly fed with stories regarding service and heroism.

    Thanks for stopping by the blog; you are always welcome there!

