Saturday, February 21, 2009

On A Mission...

I have been on an organizational mission this week. I cleaned my bedroom closet and emptied boxes and placed things in tubs. I ended up with 2 tubs of material, a tub of craft items, and a tub of papers and treasures. My hubby could not believe that 4 tubs of stuff came out of the closet. They really didn’t, there were 2 partially full tubs stacked in the corner of the bedroom, but we won’t mention that to him. Hmmm... that almost sounds like a Not-Me-Monday post. Now my problem was I had 4 tubs that needed to be stored somewhere, actually I had 6 tubs, because I had 2 tubs of pictures in the office. I wanted to place them somewhere that I could get to them easily. The logical place was the garage downstairs from our office, but as you can tell looking at the first picture, this was easier said than done.

Thus my second mission. With my husband’s help we straightened up the garage, and restacked the boxes, put Patt’s pictures in a tub and threw out empty boxes. We won’t talk about my husband and empty boxes… He just cannot bring himself to throw an empty box out. We then carried my 6 tubs downstairs and stacked them against the back wall. Needless to say, the next time I say hey honey you want to help me; he may run the other way. We were both quite tired when we got thru. But it looks a lot better than it did.

All in all, it has been a quiet week in the Fastenau household. Not a lot going on, I am not complaining, sometimes stillness is nice. It is in the quiet stillness, we can here the voice of God and really feel his presence.

"And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat." Mark 6:31

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for entering my contest! If you post on your blog about it, you will get an additional entry. Just put a link in that takes everyone to my blog. Good luck!

    You sure have been that you are so organized, want to come to my house and help ME?! LOL
