Friday, April 20, 2012

R is for Retirement no I mean Replacement!

It is funny last night I started to do my R post, knew what I was going to do it on, had it all planned out but just couldn’t get it on paper. Lol. Maybe the problem was I needed to put my heart in it, literally put my heart in it. Yes, the letter R went from Retirement to Replacement.

Today I had an appointment for a pacemaker check and a consultation with the cardiologist. We knew it was getting close to replacement time for my 10-year-old pacemaker; 6 weeks ago it showed 3 to 9 months longevity. Today when I went for my assessment it showed that it had switched over to standby mode the same day it was checked last month. They assured me this was not uncommon. A pacemaker usually has 90 days built in for back up. When it goes to standby mode it will still work if needed however it is not recording any episodes or anything. That means I have already used 48 days of my built in 90 days. So guess what – May 1st Replacement of the generator portion of the pacemaker. It will be outpatient surgery. The doctor is almost certain the leads or wires going into my heart will be fine, of course there is that chance that she might see something when she gets inside. I am praying and believing there will not be any problems and everything will go smoothly.

I have been very lucky with my pacemaker. It has never given me any problems and it has had a good life. They predicted it would last 5 – 7 years when it was put in, however mine is only used 27% of the time. April 30th will be 10 years. Praise the Lord!

"The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace."  Psalm 29:11

until next time...nel


  1. Best wishes with your pacemaker replacement. What a way to spend May Day!

  2. Praying all goes smoothly for you Nel!

  3. Many prayers that all goes well!

  4. I'll be praying for a smooth day for ya!
    I was the same way last night. Had what I wanted to say, but it took me forever to get it out, which had me staying up way later than I like.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. I'm sure everything will be fine. Since this is a necessary procedure, what better day could there be? The merry month of May, when nature is well into it's rebirth after the long winter. A new month, a new generator to take you into the next 10 years. God bless. :)

  6. I didn't know you had a pacemaker, Nel. Or if I did know, I forgot. I type reports about them being replaced; its fascinating isn't it how they can have something like that help ocntrol the heart beat? I remember when I first started working in doctor's offices over 30 years ago (gasp, I'm so old :) how big and bulky they were in a person's chest; they sure have come a long way in those years.

    I'm sure the procedure will go very smoothly :)


  7. You know, maybe replacement was the word the Lord wanted you to share. I'll be praying for you!! Hope all goes well.
