Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hodgepodging at the End...of September!

Can't believe it is already the end of September.  I was MIA all month, but for good causes, I will share that in another post.  It is good to be back!

1. Something on your October calendar that makes you smile?
This little man, Silas James turns two years old!

2. Food for the soul or music for the soul...which camp are you in? Tell us why.

I would have to say Music for the Soul.  I spent a lot of time singing to a certain little boy this month.  And it did the soul good when you would here him walk across the floor singing "Oh How Love Jesus!"  

3. What are two or three things you've learned recently as the result of an online search?
1. How to make pear butter from Asian pears. 2. How they do laparoscopic surgery. 

4. Share your favorite game day recipe. You can describe it, post the how-to, or add a link to the actual recipe. 
To be honest I really do not have one.  I am not a big football fan.  I just make sure my hubby has munchies to eat on game days.

5. What are your five essential steps for creating the perfect morning routine?
1. Wash my face with a cold wet rag. 2. Comb the hair. 3. Throw on some clothes or a robe. 4. Grab a glass of tea.  5. Watch the birds out the window for a few minutes.

6. What small thing have you taken note of today?
How much I need to get accomplished.

7. Sum up your September in seven words or less.

Enjoyable tiring month helping my daughter.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

God is so Good!  On Aug 21st I asked for your prayers, you can read my request here.  God answered prayers!  I will try to post about it in a couple of days. Thanks for praying!

until next time...nel


  1. Thank God for answered prayers!


  2. So glad your prayers were answered. I hope your daughter is doing well! Happy birthday to your grandson-he's a cutie!

  3. How adorable, Silas James looks!
    Glad to learn that God has answered the prayers of your request.

  4. Your little grandson is adorable!
