Monday, August 1, 2011

Where did the summer go...

It is hard to believe it is already the first day of August!  Time just keeps slipping by.  There were so many things I wanted to work on this summer, but hey they are still there and I will get a round tuit one of these days....lolol.

I am so excited, I mean super excited.  As most of you know I read books and do reviews here on my blog.  A month or two ago I received an email from BookSneeze stating they were offering tickets to the Women of Faith Conference in the city of your choice.  They had a limited amount of tickets for bloggers who review.  This was something I have always wanted to attend and entered my name and basically forgot about it, didn't think anymore about it, until...   While we were in Florida I received an email stating I was a blogger that had been selected to receive two tickets to attend the conference. Yes, as in free tickets, all I have to do is blog about it twice, once before and once after the conference.  I am so psyched!  But most of all blessed!  Naturally my first thought was asking my daughter to join me, but unfortunately with her health situation and all the time she has been off from work she did not feel like she could make a commitment, so my next choice was my sister-in-law Carol.  She was as excited as I was.  So for two days in November we will be worshiping and praising the Lord and having the time of our lives.  My hubby and my brother James will be joining us in Kansas City and they are going to pal around while we are at the conference.  Actually that is kinda  I am sure we will all have a wonderful time.  And I am sure I will have a lot to blog about!

We had a wonderful time in Florida, the grandkids were so much fun!  I will share about our trip later in the week.

until next time... nel


  1. I have been to "Women of Faith" before and the speakers were amazing and inspirational. What a wonderful time you're in for. Scoring free tickets is FANTASTIC!!

  2. How exciting for you! Hope your daughter is doing okay. I will continue to pray.
