Saturday, October 9, 2010

And The Winner Is...

It is GIVEAWAY Time!  Yeah!  Two years have passed since I joined the Blogging world, and I must say I have enjoyed every minute of it.  I have met some fantastic friends, some that I would love to meet one of these days. 

It is funny sometimes people look at you really strange when you tell them that you write a blog... they just don't get it!  But it is a wonderful tool for recording the happenings in your life for your kids and grandkids and future generations.  I would give anything to have a journal of what my mom or my grandma was thinking and what was going on in their lives.  Or what my great grandma was going through when she came with the Trail of Tears. 

When someone is missing and has not posted in awhile, you can't help but wonder what is going on in their lives, and you automatically remember them in prayer.  That's what Blogging Buddies do.

I announced at the beginning of the week I was having a giveaway.  There were 8 individuals that entered with a total of 21 entries.  Most of you received 3 entries because you were my dedicated followers.  Thank you for that, and thanks to those of you who joined up recently.  I toyed with the idea of just putting the names in a hat and drawing one out, but I decided to be adventurous and probably fairer and went with the Random Number Generator.  And this is what we got...

Can I hear a drumroll... And the winner is #7!  Betty from A Corgi in Southern California!  If you have never visited Betty's corner, hop over there and introduce yourself.  You will enjoy what you find! 

Betty please send me your physical address so I can get your goodies in the mail this week, probably end of the week!

Thanks to everyone who has taken time to read what I have written and a special thanks to all of those who leave comments!  As you know that is kinda the added spice of writing a blog or the icing on the cake.  But more importantly I would like to thank Jesus Christ for making everything possible!  We could do nothing without Him!

until next time... nel

PS.  Sorry I cannot get the random generator to keep showing the result, but it did show #7 the first time I did it.  Honest Injun!


  1. thanks Nel! I'm so excited!! I know I'm a recent follower to your blog but I have enjoyed reading what you write and look forward to getting to know you more!! thanks for your kind words too :)

    and of course, thank you Jesus!!


  2. YAY Betty! Although I'm very disappointed, I'm happy for Betty! :D

  3. Congratulations Betty! It couldn't of happened to a nicer person :-)

  4. Congratulations on your "blogiversary"! :)

  5. Congrats to Betty! And congrats to you Nel on your 2 years of blogging! My 2 year anniversary was last month, but I missed writing about it. Oh well, hopefully there will be a 3 year for me and for you too!

  6. Congrats, Nel, on your blogiversery! Yay! I was on vacation last week and missed out on the fun.

    Just a half hour ago I was getting ready to run a quick errand to the grocery store and was thinking about friends who say they won't read my blog, because they "don't read blogs." Head scratch?! I get when someone doesn't go web surfing to read about stranger's lives (although they are missing out on new friends), but really, they won't read about their own friend's lives. It makes me want to say, "So if I wrote you a letter telling you about what was going on in my life, you wouldn't read it?" BUT that sounds a little snippy or ungrateful, I guess. Anyway, I love reading many kinds of blogs and I truly feel blessed by the new friends I've made through the web. Congrats and keep sharing your life with us; we love being apart of it.

  7. Aw, I'm so sorry I missed the chance to enter, Nel! But I am so happy for the winner!! :-)
    I love your blog! And appreciate your friendship!
    I've hardly had time to even read the blogs I follow but am taking the time tonight to catch up!
    Hope you are having a wonderful and blessed autumn!!
