Saturday, May 8, 2010

And They Do...

I have had a song going thru my head for several days so I thought I would share it with you. I put together a slideshow for my daughter for Mother’s Day using pictures of Cain and Eden. Oh my gosh, Cain was just 3 years old when he became a part of our family. He was so little! And of course Eden from her first pictures where she is ready to be transported to Children's Hospital, she has come so far and has gotten so big.

Then I look at my daughter, I still remember bringing her home from the hospital like it was yesterday, and I look at the beautiful momma she has become and I smile as I wipe tears. Not tears of sadness but tears of joy. It seems like yesterday that she was the toddler taking every step that I took, watching every move I made. But time rolls on, and they grow up on us, but what memories we do have to hold on to.

Probably a lot of you empty nesters are feeling this also. This song is more country and is now sung by Trace Adkins, but the first time I heard it, Susie Luchsinger, who sings Christian, was performing it. And when I look back at my life as a mom and grandma, I would not be where I am today without His touch in my life. Prayers that were answered, and miracles that happened and I Praise the Lord for all of them! This is not a great video of the song, I could not find Susie performing it, but hey you get what you can. Just ignore the pictures, cause I have no idea who they are. Hope you enjoy the song!

You can hop over to Amy’s at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders to join us for Then Sings My Soul Saturday. It is a lot of fun, and you get to hear some wonderful music! What are you waiting for go check it out and join in the fun! Oh but first, leave me a comment!

until next time… nel


  1. I love that song, and Trace Adkins! I'm really feeling nostalgic this week since MS graduates on Friday. Time definitely goes by way too fast!
