Monday, February 22, 2010

How about your dash...

Alot of you may have seen this video, but I felt like this is what the Lord wanted me to share. It says so much. I was so excited when I found it on youtube. Gosh what did we do before youtube? I hope it speaks to you as much as it did me.

So how about you, Are you happy with your dash?

"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:" Colossians 2:6

until next time... nel


  1. That is beautiful, thank you for sharing.

  2. Living my "dash" on purpose and in pursuit of the Sacred...

    This life is but a breath; not only does it matter to me the worthiness of my dash, but most importantly, how it matters to Him.

    Beautiful, and just what my tired spirit needs tonight--a good reminder, Nel. Thanks.

