A tradition of the church we attended when my daughter was growing up was a Christmas Play on Christmas Eve. This year was no different. My grandkids were Mary and Joseph, and yes, I did include a few pictures.
I remember when I was Youth Leader it was a big production, we would work on the sets and practice for weeks. A lot of good memories were made and friendships grew during those years. It was a good time in the Lord.
While watching this year I was reminded you do not need a big production or elaborate backdrops to get the message across. It is so simple. Jesus was born to Mary, a virgin, in Bethlehem. It was not in a palace fit for a king, it was in a stable, a manger for his crib. He was not clothed in elaborate clothing or adorned with jewels, He was wrapped in swaddling clothes. He was born to become the King of Kings, Jesus our Savior! And many years later, He died on a cross to save us from our sins, so we might live eternally in Heaven.
It is so simple… but we tend to make it so hard.
4 years ago
Your grandkids are so cute in thes pictures! And yes, simplicity is the key to happy, uncomplicated life.